Author Archive

Happy New Year!

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas & a Prosperous 2017

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas & a Prosperous 2017


With our sincere thanks for your

valued business and continued friendship,

may your Christmas be filled with love and

laughter as we look forward to 2017.

 … Read the full post »

Our Top 10 Investor Blog Posts of 2016

Top 10 investor

We continue to be amazed at the amount of unique visitors to our blog posts, including the old posts that range all the way back to 2010/2011.

Here is the list of the top blog posts for 2016:

10. Six capital gains and depreciation facts for property investors

9. Tips to secure yourself a rental property

8. Strata Schemes – … Read the full post »

What’s the Future of the Australian Property Market? – Chat with Dr Andrew Wilson

In late October, Bryce Holdaway and Ben Kingsley recorded a LIVE Podcast with Dr Andrew Wilson on the Future of the Australian Property Market at the Sydney Property Buyer Expo.

This podcast is a MUST LISTEN recording! Dr Andrew Wilson is the Chief Economist for the Domain Group and is an appointed housing market expert and adviser to the Federal Government funded, Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network. He holds a PhD … Read the full post »

Major Changes To Strata Laws Effective 30 November 2016

There is good news for Investors who own Strata-titled properties as new NSW Fair Trading strata laws will start on 30 November 2016.


Some of our favourite key changes include:


Allowing owners to adopt modern technology to conduct meetings, vote, communicate and
administer their scheme – this is important for our interstate and international investors.


A simpler, clearer process for dealing with disputes … Read the full post »

Winners of Most Outstanding Real Estate Agency 2016

Winners of Most Outstanding Real Estate Agency 2016


What a fun evening we had at the 2016 Hornsby Local Business Awards on Wednesday night.

It’s an honour to be awarded the Most Outstanding Real Estate Agency for 2016, and we are so proud of our team and the incredible level of service they provide to our clients and customers. Each team member are … Read the full post »

6 Tips to Help You Renovate Your Rental From Afar

Have you bought property interstate? Here’s how to get your investment tenant-ready, without the trouble of constant travel.

If you’ve bought an investment property that you can only access by aeroplane, a renovation might seem like a laborious project to take on. But don’t underestimate the value a facelift can add. Done right, your returns can increase significantly – a fresh new look … Read the full post »

More Finalists in the Hornsby Local Business Awards 2016

More Finalists in the Hornsby Local Business Awards 2016
As previously mentioned, John Pye Real Estate has been announced as a finalist in the Hornsby Local Business Awards.
Since that date, we are excited to share that Hannah Barry, one of our Property Managers, is a finalist for the “Outstanding Youth Award”. This award is for Under 25’s who … Read the full post »

Sales & Rental Market Reports – JULY-SEPTEMBER 2016

Our third quarter JULY-SEPTEMBER 2016 Sales & Rental Market Reports are now completed and found by choosing the relevant suburb, then clicking the links below. If you would like a free customised report specifically for your property, please contact us and we would be happy to provide this for you at no obligation.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the market, in relation to selling, buying, renting or investing, … Read the full post »

Hornsby Local Business Awards Finalist 2016

Hornsby Local Business Awards 2016

For a second year in a row, we have been nominated as finalists in the 2016 Hornsby Local Business Awards. Thank you to everyone who voted for us! We are extremely grateful.

Now that all the nominations have been received and selected by the organisers, the finalists will be judged based on a two stage process: 1) visits … Read the full post »

The Land Tax Sting In The Tail Which No-one Knows About

All publicity about this year’s NSW State budget has been centred around the additional 4% stamp duty which will now be charged to buyers who are not Australian citizens or Permanent Residents! Fair enough for overseas purchasers contemplating buying property if NSW. They can decide whether to buy – or not – based on this additional impost.

Not so for those who currently own property in NSW!

What has been less publicised is … Read the full post »

Are Great Property Investors Born or Made?

If you’re like me you were told from very young age that if you want to succeed at something – be it sport, school or a musical instrument – that you must put in time, hard work and importantly, practice. Most of us learnt our times tables by repeating them over and over – practicing multiplication was the most effective means of learning this skill. Well the same applies to … Read the full post »

Sales Market Analysis Report – APRIL – JUNE 2016

Our APRIL-JUNE 2016 Sales Reports are now completed and found by clicking the links below.

If you would like a free customised report specifically for your property, please contact us and we would be happy to provide this for you.

Marketplace SYNOPSIS and FORECAST:

The April-June Quarter property marketplace was excellent for sellers.

Good demand was shown for most properties. In fact in just one weekend in early May, five properties were sold by … Read the full post »

Launch of new John Pye Real Estate website

New website 1New website 2

We are very excited to announce today’s launch of our newly designed website

Also this week we have sent out an email to all our investors offering a free “desktop” appraisal report (rental or sales report) for properties in NSW. Since the offer went out on Tuesday we have completed reports for … Read the full post »

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